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Sydney Aquarium

about Sydney Aquarium ...

Sydney Aquarium
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

Opened in 1988, Sydney Aquarium located in Darling Harbour, is considered one of the finest aquariums in the world. In 2005, Sydney Aquarium was counting more than 150 meters of clear underwater tunnels, enabling you to walk right across a huge aquarium and see the fish swim around and above you.

Over a million people, from which more than half are foreign visitors, are coming each year to see the Sydney Aquarium.

Sydney Aquarium
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Sydney Aquarium has on display over 650 species counting more than 12,000 residents. At Sydney Aquarium you find more than just fishes. You can find all sorts of other animals living in the water or near the water: seals, penguins, jellyfishes, crocodiles, the famous platypus, corals and these are just to count a few. The variety is amazing. Every important Australian sea and waterway is represented at Sydney Aquarium.

tourist information ...

How to get there
Sydney Aquarium is part of Darling Harbour and can be easily reached from Town Hall Station (bus or train) and then use the Market St or King St access. You have also the option of the Monorail (Darling Park Station) or ferry from Circular Quay. See map. For more details please check the trip planner.

Sydney Aquarium
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Contact details:
Sydney Aquarium
Darling Harbour NSW 2000
Ph: +61 2 8251 7800
Web site: Sydney Aquarium.

Hours of Operation:
Open each day from 9AM-10PM. Please check Sydney Aquarium web site for up to date information.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • grundies underwear, undies
  • chin wag have a chat
  • Ozzies nick name for Australians
  • greenie environmentalist
  • come good turn out alright
  • lizard drinking, flat out like a very busy
  • saltie saltwater crocodile
  • fossick search
  • flick to dump somebody
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