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Sydney Gallipoli Mosque

brief history ...

Sydney Gallipoli Mosque
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Gallipoli Mosque is named after a beach in Turkey, where in April 25, 1915 the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) tried to land, suffering massive losses in human lives.

Sydney Gallipoli Mosque
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Based on traditional Turkish design, Gallipoli Mosque it took thirteen years to complete and was opened in 1999. Inside, the mosque is decorated with marble imported from Turkey and the walls there are beautifully painted in a classic Ottoman Celi Sulus style calligraphy with fragments from the Qur'an.

tourist information ...

Sydney Gallipoli Mosque - ablution(wudu) fountain
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
How to get there
Best by train to Auburn station. There is a five minutes walk from the station to the mosque. See map. For more details please check the trip planner.

Contact details:
Address: 15-19 North Parade Auburn N.S.W 2144
Telephone (02) 9646 5972
Web Site: Turkish Gallipoli Mosque

Hours of Operation:
Due to the daily prayers, the mosque is opened to tourist by appointment. Use the above contact details.

Recommended Clothing and Manners
Since the mosque is a place of worship, visitors and worshippers are required to:
  • dress modestly
  • ladies are required to wear long dresses or trousers, long sleeves and a head scarf
  • men are required to wear shirts with long sleeves and long pants
  • shoes must be removed at the entrance
  • no food or drinks may be consumed inside the mosque
  • the mobile phones should be switched off

other mosques ...

Please follow this link.
22 December
1817 - The King expedition of 1817, to explore and make a rough survey of the northern and north-west coasts of Australia, departs Sydney.

1911 - The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is established.
Australian slang
  • cleanskin unmarked cattle
  • Aussie Australian (pronounced ozzie)
  • game up for it
  • chrissie Christmas
  • bathers swimsuit
  • dingo Australian wild dog
  • lippy lipstick
  • bushie fireman
  • bush telly campfire
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