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St Mary's Cathedral

time line ...

1821 - The foundation stone of the first St. Mary's Chapel is laid by Governor Lachlan Macquarie and blessed by Fr. Therry. The site of the chapel was near the convict barracks, on the outskirts of the town. The St. Mary's chapel was a stone building in a naive gothic style.
St Mary's Cathedral by night
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

1851 - Work on extensions to the Cathedral commences, after a design made by A. W. N. Pugin, the celebrated English architect and promoter of a more correct gothic style.

1865 (June 29) - The first St. Mary's Cathedral is ruined by fire.

1868 - The foundation stone of a new Cathedral is blessed by Archbishop Polding. The new Cathedral is to be an outstanding example of gothic revival architecture, designed by William Wilkinson Wardell.

1928 - Construction of the Nave is completed, and Archbishop Kelly opens the almost-complete Cathedral on September 2nd. The total cost of the construction amounted to approximately 700,000 pounds over a period of 60 years.

1998 - 2000 - The Spires, designed by Wardell, are built.

2001 - St Mary's is the location for the celebration of the Ninth World Day of the Sick.

Extract from www.sydney.catholic.org.au web site

tourist information ...

How to get there
St James CityRail Station is the closest (5min walk). There are also many buses stopping in the area. See map. For more details please check the trip planner.

Contact details:
St. Mary's Cathedral House, St Mary's Road, Sydney
Hours: 9.00AM to 5.00PM Monday to Friday
Ph: (02) 9220 0400
Web site: Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney.

Hours of Operation:
The Cathedral is open Sunday to Friday, 6.30AM - 6.30PM and Saturdays 8.00AM - 6.30PM.

Guided Tours: Every Sunday at 12noon. For more details check the pages of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • cunning as a Dunny rat very clever
  • bikies motorcyclists
  • hotel place to buy drinks
  • crash go to sleep
  • bludger lazy person
  • fair go a chance
  • muddy mud crab
  • chunder vomit
  • chook chicken, young female
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