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Food Courts

about ...

If you are on budget, a very cheap place to eat, is food court in a shopping center. The food court contains many small food outlets, in general with various styles of food:

Mayer - Food Court
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
  • Chinese
  • Italian
  • Thai
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Turkish
  • McDonalds
  • Pizza Hut
  • SubWay
  • Vegetarian

.... and these are just to count a few. Off course, depending on the size of the food court, you will have more or less choices. You get more value for your money going to a food court than buying a sandwich on the street.

Note: It is usually self service and crowded at lunch time.

where ...

Look for the big Shopping Centers like Mayer, Westfield, etc. In the City you ca find a big one in Mayer on Pitt Street Mall, Center Point (under Sydney Tower), Town Hall Station, Darling Harbour and so on.

Hours of Operation:
Usually they are opened during the same hours as the majority of the shops that are part of the shopping center.
22 December
1817 - The King expedition of 1817, to explore and make a rough survey of the northern and north-west coasts of Australia, departs Sydney.

1911 - The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is established.
Australian slang
  • chippy carpenter
  • almond rocks socks
  • fridge refrigerator
  • captain Cook look
  • B & S Bachelor and Spinster ball
  • date roll toilet paper
  • knacker testicle
  • bunyip mythical Australian outback creature
  • bull dust rubbish
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