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Chinese New Year

about ...

Chinese Dancer - Chinese New Year

©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Most of the major cities in Australia have a Chinese quarter called Chinatown, which of course is the focus of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

Chinese New Year (pronounced in Chinese as "xin nian") festivities are the most important in the Chinese calendar and continue for 15 days. During this period most people wear read clothes which according with the Chinese believe drives away bad luck.

Major Events Include:

  • Chinese New Year Festival Launch - with Chinese performers, firecrackers, dragon dancing
  • Chinatown Markets Festival - showcasing Chinese food and produce
  • Chinese New Year Parade - annual highlight attracting over 60,000 people
  • Dragon Boat Races - usually organized in Darling Harbour
  • Chinatown Shopfront Decoration Competition
  • Lantern Festival
  • Dragon Dance - concludes the celebration

tourist information ...

How to get there
By train to Central Station and then a 10 minute walk. All the buses going toward the Central Station via George Street. Monorail and the LightRail are also stopping in the area. See map.

Relevant links:
Sydney Chinatown
City Of Sydney

Hours of Operation:
Most Chinese shops, in Chinatown or in an other suburb, are opened.
Chinese New Year
Jan. 22, 2023rabbit
Feb. 10, 2024dragon
Jan. 29, 2025snake
Click here for more dates...
22 December
1817 - The King expedition of 1817, to explore and make a rough survey of the northern and north-west coasts of Australia, departs Sydney.

1911 - The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is established.
Australian slang
  • give it away give up
  • butcher small glass of beer in SA
  • not the full quid mentally challenged
  • G'Day good day, hi, hello
  • chuck a sickie take sick leave when healthy
  • kick the bucket to die
  • ripper great, fantastic
  • face, off one's drunk
  • earbashing nagging
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