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City to Surf race

brief history ...

The City to Surf race idea, came from a similar race that is taking place in San Francisco, called The San Francisco Bay to Breakers. First City to Surf competition was organized in 1971. In that year just a couple of thousand people have participated and from these, only two percent were women. Today the City to Surf is one of the biggest fun runs in the world with an equal participation between men and women.

City to Surf - Sydney, 14/08/2005
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Best times:
Female: Susie Power (2001) VIC 45.08
Male: Steve Moneghetti (1991) VIC 40.03

Australian champions: Robert de Castella (1977 & 1981), Steve Moneghetti (1988-1991), Andrew Lloyd (1983/84/86 and 1993), Lisa Ondieki (1988 & 1991), Heather Turland (1994 &1996) and Susie Power (2001 & 2002).

Foreign champions: South African John Morapedi (1995 & 1996), American Daniel Browne (1998), Kenyan Laban Chege (1999 & 2000), Tanzanian John Msuri in 2001 and Jussi Utrianen from Finland and Tanzanian Patrick Lusato (2005).

how to participate ...

City to Surf competition usually starts at the corner of Park and College Streets (same as the Australian Museum), and go through the city, ending at Bondi Beach. The admission in the race must be made via mail before the race. City to Surf race is opened to anybody regardless of age or level of fitness. If you can not run you can walk. Important is to participate.
City to Surf ranking (48,088 names published)
Sun-Herald August 19, 2001
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

Entry forms can be found only in The Sun-Herald newspaper commencing from end of May until the race week. Alternatively you can do it online at the City to Surf race web page.

tourist information ...

Contact details:
Ph: 1800-555-514
Web site: City to Surf race

Second Sunday in August.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • white pointers topless female sunbathers
  • rollie own rolled cigarette
  • blow-in newcomer
  • wharfie water front worker
  • Septics Tanks Yanks Americans
  • Alice Alice Spring
  • Cab Sav Cabernet Sauvignon
  • undies underwear
  • turps alcoholic drink, turpentine
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