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IMAX Theatre

about ...

The IMAX images are taken with a special camera that allows the projection of an image ten times larger than the normal cinema format, equivalent of an eight stores high screen.

IMAX theatre
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
The IMAX uses a custom made, six channel sound track, which is played through a 15,000 W digital surround system.

IMAX films are shot and projected on a 70mm film with very high resolution. During projection, each frame is held against lens of the projector by vacuum. As a consequence, focus achieved is far above normal standards and the image clarity it is at maximum.

The projector uses two 15,000 W bulbs, 4-7 times more than the average 35mm projector. To cool the projector, a dedicated system pumps water (36 liters/min) and air (1,600 m3/min).

Some movies are filmed and projected on the screen stereoscopic, creating a true 3D optical effect. Based on human vision, the system tries to simulate the way the eyes and the brain are putting the images together.

Both, the camera and the projector have two lenses set apart roughly matching the distance between the eyes. The "film" has two rolls, one for each eye and are alternately projected on the screen alternating between left and right images 96 times per second.

The viewer's headset is equipped with infra red sensors which are switching off left or right lens of the headset. In this way the viewer sees the screen with only one eye at the time, according with the image projected, creating a 3D illusion. The headset is synchronized via an infrared beam sent by the projector.

tourist information ...

How to get there
Best by train or bus from Town Hall station and then walk towards Darling Harbour, where is located. See map.

Contact details:
31 Wheat Road
Darling Harbour
Sydney NSW 2000
Ph: (02) 9213 1600
Web site: IMAX Australia

Hours of Operation:
For information about what's on and the hours of each presentation see the IMAX Australia web site.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • cunning as a Dunny rat very clever
  • bikies motorcyclists
  • hotel place to buy drinks
  • crash go to sleep
  • bludger lazy person
  • fair go a chance
  • muddy mud crab
  • chunder vomit
  • chook chicken, young female
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