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Sydney Luna Park

brief history ...

Sydney Luna Park - Entrance
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
The idea of Luna Park goes back to Coney Island almost 200 years ago, where an amusement park called Luna Park was opened by Elmer Dundy and Frederick Thompson. Soon after that other people around the world, opened amusements parks called Luna Park.

In Australia the first Luna Park was opened in Melbourne followed by one in Adelaide and finally in Sydney on the 4-th of October 1935.

Since 1935 Luna Park encountered a lot "turbulence" somehow similar to some of the rides. During the Second World War was forced to turn off its lights, many people wanted to get a quick buck by developing real estate properties, the neighbors complained about the noise, and so on. What is important, it's that today Luna Park is alive and kicking.

Sydney Luna Park ride
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

tourist information ...

How to get there
Best is to catch a train up to the Milsons Point station and from there to walk towards the Harbor Bridge and once you reach the water turn right. Walk along the water and you will reach Luna Park. See map.

Contact details

Telephone Numbers
Information Line 02 9033 7676
Main Office 02 9922 6644
Guest Relations 02 9922 6644

Street Address
1 Olympic Drive, Milsons Point 2061

Postal Address
PO Box 528, Milsons Point NSW 1565

Web site: Sydney Luna Park

Standard opening hours:

Mon - Thurs 11AM - 6PM
Fri 11AM - 10PM
Sat 10AM - 11PM
Sun 10AM - 6PM

Please note that on school holidays or public holidays Luna Park can have a special program. Use the above link to check.

The admission in the amusement park is free but you need to pay for the rides.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • yippee! exclamation of delight
  • shankys's pony to walk
  • bottling, his blood's worth helpful guy
  • yair yes
  • spag bol spaghetti bolognese
  • bail out depart, usually angrily
  • Clayton's fake, alternative
  • weekend warrior army reservist
  • walkabout wander off, a walk in the bush by Aborigines
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