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Sydney nightlife

about ...

If Sydney is missing something, that is definitely not a varied and colorful nightlife. There are plenty of nightclubs, strip bars, adult shows, brothels and other venues for adult entertainment. After all, there must be a reason why Mark Twain wrote: "Satan made Sydney" quoting a citizen of the city.
Dancer adjusting her leotard by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Kings Cross is recognized as Sydney's red-light district with numerous strip clubs and "girlie" bars. Beside "the Cross", as is often referred to by Sydneysiders, many famous adult clubs are also located in Darlinghurst and Surry Hills area.

For tourists in search of late-night action, a good choice would be Oxford Street, between Hyde Park and Taylor Square, where there is a large variety of pubs and dance clubs. This are is also the nighttime focus for Sydney's large gay and lesbian scene.

During summer, Cockle Bay Wharf in Darling Harbour, the Rocks along George Street and the Spanish restaurants along Liverpool Street attract a boisterous crowd.

tourist information ...

How to get there
For "the Cross" the closest train station is Kings Cross.

Adult Entertainment
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Relevant links:
Adult entertainment:
The Penthouse
Men's Gal
Tiffanys Girls

My 24/7
Club Vibes
Club Zone

Gay and lesbian:
New Mardi Gras
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • reffo political refugee
  • hooroo see you later
  • true blue patriotic, genuine Australian, original
  • rage party
  • kelpie Australian sheepdog
  • skippy an Australian, kangaroo
  • yike complaint
  • pint large glass of beer in SA
  • perve voyeur, looking at the opposite sex
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