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Chinese Garden of Frendship

about ...

Chinese Garden of Friendship
Photo © Gabriel Ditu
Build in 1987 and known as the Garden of Friendship, the Chinese garden was a gift made to Sydney by the city of Guangzhou with the occasion of the Australian Bicentenary.

The art of Chinese garden design, has its origins in the imperial parks of the Zhang dynasty, about 1000 BC.

Chinese Garden of Friendship
Photo © Gabriel Ditu

After that period, rich people started to build and landscape similar private gardens. During the Ming dynasty, these gardens become very popular among the upper class people providing a retreat from the urban life.

The Chinese Garden of Friendship at Darling Harbour is a smaller version of a typical private garden from the Ming dynasty.

A few notable features are the Chinese wall surrounding the garden, the lakes, a small waterfall, Tea House, Water Pavilion, Twin Pavilion, Bonsai Nursery and many other.

Chinese Garden offers the perfect place for meditation and relaxation. For a small fee you can have your picture taken dressed in a traditional Chinese costume or you can enjoy a traditional Chinese tea.

tourist information ...

The Chinese Garden of Friendship is located towards the southern end of Darling Harbour, close to the Sydney Entertainment Centre and is adjacent to Chinatown. See map.

Contact details:
Ph: + 61 2 9281 6863
Web site: Chinese Garden of Friendship

Hours of Operation:
The Chinese Garden of Friendship is open daily from 9.30AM to 5.00PM (closed Christmas Day).
22 December
1817 - The King expedition of 1817, to explore and make a rough survey of the northern and north-west coasts of Australia, departs Sydney.

1911 - The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is established.
Australian slang
  • nellie alcoholic drink
  • esky insulated cooler box
  • sickie day off sick leave
  • mull marijuana
  • franger condom
  • pub public house (place serving drinks)
  • tucker food
  • long paddock the side of the road
  • lizard drinking, flat out like a very busy
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