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Nobbys Head Lighthouse

brief history ...

Nobbys Head Lighthouse
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
On 10 May 1770, Captain James Cook was the first European to sight Nobbys Head from the ship Endeavour. He describes it as"

"A small round rock or Island, laying close under the land, bore South 82 degrees West, distance 3 or 4 Leagues"

Designed by Alexander Dawson, Nobbys Head lighthouse entered in service in 1 January 1858 and was automated in 1935.

The future of the Nobbys Head lighthouse looks bleak. The Newcastle Council decided that is more important to make a dollar or two rather than preserve a historic site such as Nobbys Head lighthouse and is planing to develop a commercial venture around the lighthouse.
Nobbys Head Lighthouse
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

Trivia: Nobbys Head is the third lighthouse built in New South Wales after the Macquarie Lighthouse and the Hornby Lighthouse.

tourist information ...

How to get there
Best is by train from Central Station in Sydney and go off the train at Newcastle Central Station (Newcastle Line). Check the City Rail timetables. See map.

Hours of Operation:
Newcastle Council has blocked the access to the lighthouse. See the above comment.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • jillaroo a female farmhand
  • cook wife
  • prawn shrimp
  • in the shit in serious trouble
  • cut snake, mad as a very angry
  • mob group of people, herd
  • skimpy revealing clothes
  • good onya good for you
  • gobful, give a to abuse
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