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22 December
1817 - The King expedition of 1817, to explore and make a rough survey of the northern and north-west coasts of Australia, departs Sydney.

1911 - The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is established.
Australian slang
  • scratchy instant lottery ticket
  • knuckle sandwich punch in the mouth
  • walkabout, it's gone it's lost
  • rotten drunk
  • magpie South Australian
  • stubby holder beer bottle insulated holder
  • amber fluid beer
  • rage on to continue partying
  • RSL Returned Services League club
Online Maps
Sydney A to Z banners
Click on the following link:
Sydney A to Z banners

Bondi Map

This map is courtesy of AUSWAY GROUP,
publishers of street directories and maps.
Address: 32 Ricketts Rd Mt Waverley Victoria 3149 Australia
Tel: +61-3-9585-9888 Fax: +61-3-9585-9800

Bondi Map
Courtesy of Ausway Group

If you are serious about exploring Sydney, I recommend you to buy a Sydway Street Directory. Is well made and it will also make a nice souvenir.