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Distances in Australia

Road to Warrumbungle National Park
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
1540 Alice Springs
2103 3111 Brisbane
505 1603 1598 Broken Hill
5170 2630 4712 4233 Broome
3545 2370 1703 3040 4020 Cairns
1198 2638 1347 1120 5518 3050 Canberra
4554 3379 2712 4049 5058 1009 4059 Cape York
3675 4125 5397 3799 1495 5515 4377 6524 Carnarvon
2947 1407 3489 3010 1865 2845 4295 3854 3360 Darwin
2626 1086 3168 2689 1544 2524 3895 3533 3039 321 Katherine
741 2181 1702 858 5649 3116 670 4125 4564 3836 3373 Melbourne
392 1725 1656 293 5603 3070 978 4079 3999 3303 2917 166 Mildura
2716 1176 1886 2385 2826 1194 2585 2203 4321 1651 1282 2716 2678 Mount Isa
2770 3535 4492 2894 2248 5905 3798 6914 905 4113 3792 3472 3016 4711 Perth
2447 2478 633 1942 4128 1070 1980 2079 6010 2905 2584 2046 2000 1302 6013 Rockhampton
1394 2766 1019 1163 5502 2722 328 3731 5040 3967 3563 998 1023 2519 4057 1652 Sydney
3205 2059 1363 2672 3709 340 2710 1349 5252 2534 2165 2776 2730 883 5594 730 2382 Townsville
1573 437 3334 1636 3067 2807 2836 3816 4562 1844 1523 2214 1858 1613 3668 2915 2899 2496 Yulara
The above distances are in Kilometers.

How to use the table:
The distance between two cities can be found at the intersection column/line containing the names of the cities you are looking for.

The distance between Sydney and Canberra is 328 Km.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • date roll toilet paper
  • bizzo business
  • it's gone walkabout it's lost
  • cut lunch sandwiches
  • bogged stuck in the mud/sand with a vehicle
  • flick to dump somebody
  • naughty have sex
  • cockie cockatoo, cockroach, farmer
  • clobber clothes
Online Maps
Sydney A to Z banners
Click on the following link:
Sydney A to Z banners