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Cadman's Cottage

brief history ...

Cadman's Cottage
Photo © Ioan Ditu
John Cadman was arrested in December 1796 for stealing a horse. He was tried and sentenced to death. Later, his death sentence was changed to deportation to Australia.

In 1809 he was employed in Sydney's Dockyard. Five years later, he received his pardon. In 1827 he become coxswain and moved in Cadman's Cottage where he lived 19 years together with his wife, Elizabeth Mortimer, which was a convict as well.

Cadman's Cottage Museum - display
Cadman's Cottage Museum - display
Photo © Ioan Ditu
In 1846, Cadman's Cottage is used by the Water Police and is used as a detention place as well. In 1926, the cottage was renovated and used as accommodation for officers of the visiting ships.

In 1972 the Cadman's Cottage is declared historic site and its administration is given to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Trivia: Cadmans Cottage is arguably Australia's oldest house.

tourist information ...

How to get there
The best way to go to Cadman's Cottage is by public transport (train, ferry or bus), Circular Quay Station. The Cadman's Cottage is located on the Sydney Harbour foreshore at West Circular Quay. See map.

Contact details:
110 George Street
The Rocks Sydney NSW 1220
Ph: 02 9247 5033
Web site: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

Hours of Operation:
Open Monday to Friday 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM; and
Saturday and Sunday 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Closed on Christmas Day and Good Friday.

Entrance is FREE.

For more details please check NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service web site.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • nun's nasty, as dry as a dry
  • fisho fishmonger
  • sook soft, inoffensive person
  • no drama no problems
  • G'Day good day, hi, hello
  • rat-shit sick
  • up a gum tree stranded
  • mappa tassie woman's pubic hair area
  • lurk racket, scam
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