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Elizabeth Farm

brief history ...

Elizabeth Farm is a historic estate 23 Km from Sydney Cove, in Parramatta suburb.
Elizabeth Farm
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Before the White settlement, this area belonged to the Aboriginal Burramattagal clan of the Dharug people, whose presence is recalled in the name Parramatta.

In 1793, John and his wife Elizabeth Macarthur, commenced building a house on a hill facing Parramatta River, which later on, will become known as Elizabeth Farm.

Elizabeth Farm is a modern museum, which like a stage set, the house is decorated with replica furniture and props, that you can feel and touch. Stories and impressions emerge of a family caught in the whirlwind of colonial life: flung far from home to a dangerous place, coping with separation, isolation and loss, enduring hardship, securing wealth, prestige and power.Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia

tourist information ...

How to get there
Take the train to Parramatta Station (35 min. from Sydney CBD). From the railway station there is a 10-15 min walk. See map.

Contact details:
Elizabeth Farm
70 Alice Street, Rosehill NSW 2142
Phone: 02 9635 9488
Email: info@hht.net.au
Web site: Historic Houses Trust

Hours of Operation:
Opened daily
Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • knock back refuse
  • crook sick, badly made, thief
  • reckon for sure, I think so
  • kelpie Australian sheepdog
  • dill idiot
  • Never Never the central part of Australia
  • spruiker man standing outside of a nightclub to persuade people to enter
  • Harold (Holt), to do the to bolt
  • gutful of piss drunk
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