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Power House Museum

brief history ...

The idea of the Power House Museum originates in the 1879 industrial international exhibition. Being a popular attraction, the government bought many of the star exhibits and set up the Technological, Industrial and Sanitary Museum.
Power House Museum - space
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

In 1882 the building hosting the Technological burns down. In 1893 the museum is moved to Harris Street, Ultimo. In 1945 the museum is renamed as the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences.

Power House Museum - Locomotive 1
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Due to its large exhibits, the building hosting the museum started to become overcrowded. Not far from the museum location was the old decommissioned Ultimo Power Station. In 1979 the decision to move the Museum to the Power Station was made, and in would move to the power station site. In March 1988 the Power House Museum was opened.

tourist information ...

How to get there
You can reach the Power House Museum from Darling Harbor, Chinatown, Central Station or by Monorail. See map.

Contact details:
500 Harris Street Ultimo,
Ph: (+61 2) 9217 0111
Web site: Power House Museum

Hours of Operation:
The Powerhouse Museum is open every day except Christmas Day. Please check the Power House Museum homepage for more up to date information.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • bust a gut work very hard
  • zap-off fall asleap, leave in a hurry
  • fair suck of the sav! exclamation of disbelief
  • bushed exhausted
  • ambo ambulance
  • crack a fat get an erection
  • in a huff hostile
  • brass razoo, he hasn't got a he's dirt poor
  • bottling, his blood's worth helpful guy
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