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The Mint House

brief history ...

The Mint building's history is intrinsic tied to the history of Sydney Hospital also known as The Rum Hospital.
The Mint building
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

Until 1811, Sydney Colony, was not having a dedicated building for a hospital. To finance the construction of the hospital, Governor Macquarie gives an exclusive license to import rum, to Alexander Riley, Garnham Blaxcell and D'arcy Wentworth. For this reason later on the hospital was called The Rum Hospital.

The construction of the Sydney Hospital finished in 1816 and was comprised of three buildings: a central one which was the actual hospital and two wings placed on the sides of the main building, used to house the medical staff.

In 1820 and 1826, the left and the right wings were renovated, requiring massive repairers. The central building was demolished and the present Sydney Hospital was build in 1890.

The right wing of Sydney Hospital has changed its destination quite often: military hospital, office for the Surveyor General, offices for the military and so on.

In 1854, the right wing is given to the Royal Mint Sydney branch. After 5 November 1926, when the mint operations stopped, the right wing of the hospital changed its destination so often that it is not worth mentioning here.

In 1982 becomes "Australia’s first museum of historical decorative arts, stamps and coins" and wins the National Museum of the Year Award in 1983.

Between 1993-1995 the museum is re-developed as the Sydney Mint Museum, but is closing shortly after, in 1997. The Mint building is transferred to the Historic Houses Trust in 1998.


Most people are referring to the right wing of the original Sydney Hospital as The Mint. Many visitors of The Mint are hoping that they are going to visit a Mint Museum, but in fact the museum has no coins and is not dedicated to the mint operations.

What is to see at The Mint? The Mint is the home of Caroline Simpson Library & Research Collection. I don't know how interesting will be for you, but do not worry, the entrance is free, so...

tourist information ...

How to get there
By train or by bus to St James Station and then a two minute walk. See map.

Contact details:
10 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Ph: 8239 2288
Web site: Historic Houses Trust.

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
Admission Free

Please check Historic Houses Trust for details.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • cut snake, mad as a very angry
  • billy teapot used when camping in the bush
  • idiot box tv
  • croc crocodile, load of rubbish, nonsense
  • bluey australian cattle dog (aka Blue Heeler)
  • feral 4WD, hippie
  • mull marijuana
  • cleanskin unmarked cattle
  • chuck a Uey do a u turn
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