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Jenolan Caves

brief history ...

For many thousands of years, Jenolan Caves were known to the local Aboriginal people, as Binoomea, "Dark places".

Jenolan Caves
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
In 1838, a pastoralist stumbled upon the caves. Since then, 45 kilometres of subterranean passageways have been discovered - about 350 caves. Their full extent is still unknown.

Jenolan is Australia’s most spectacular cave system and is among the finest cave systems in the world.

The scientific and cultural value of this dazzling natural wonder cannot be overstated. In 2000, The Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve became a World Heritage site, part of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. In 2006, scientists at the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation announced that Jenolan is the world’s oldest cave system!

about ...

Some of Jenolan’s spectacular caves are open to the public:
Jenolan Caves
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

  • 10 awe-inspiring show caves, each different, and suiting a range of fitness levels
  • "Adventure Caving" experiences, for challenge seekers
  • a self-guided, multi lingual cave tour
  • cave tours for children (NSW school holidays)
  • night tours, such as "Legends, Mysteries & Ghosts"
  • underground performances
  • bushwalks & wildlife, such as platypus and wallabies

Jenolan Caves has something for all ages and has become a model for ecotourism. In 2011, Tourism Australia judged Jenolan Caves "Australia’s Best Tourist Attraction".

Visit Jenolan for an afternoon, a day or longer. Stay for several days, to maximise the experience! Enjoy warm country hospitality at Caves House hotel, built in 1896, next to the caves. Meals are available. Accommodation ranges from charming guestrooms to motel-style rooms, backpacker lodge and self-contained cottages.

tourist information ...

How to get there
Jenolan Caves are located in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, 175km west of Sydney. There is no public transport but there are lots of daily tours available from Sydney. See map.

Contact details:
Phone: 1300 76 33 11
Web site: Jenolan Caves

Hours of Operation:
Jenolan Caves are opened everyday. Please check the official web site for the current times and prices.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • shit house of poor quality, toilet, WC
  • lolly water a soft drink
  • whipper snipper garden strimmer
  • servo petrol station
  • milko person who delivers milk
  • tall poppies successful people
  • attaboy! exclamation of approval
  • right, that'd be accepting bad news as inevitable
  • relo family relative
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