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Kangaroo Valley

brief history ...

Kangaroo Valley - Hampden Bridge
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Over 20,000 years before the inhabitants of Kangaroo Valley were the Wodi-Wodi Aboriginals. George Evans, in 1812, was the first European to make a record about Kangaroo Valley and he was impressed by the beauty of the place.

Kangaroo Valley was settled in 1817 by Charles Throsby and Captain Richard Brooks. Exporting of cedar trees quickly became the valleys main industry. Around 1845 a number of dairy farmers also settle in the Kangaroo Valley area. The aspect of the area changed very little in the past 130 years, today however, the main industries are tourism and outdoor recreation.

what to see ...

Kangaroo Valley kayaking
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

  • Hampden Bridge
  • Trail Rides
  • Pioneer Museum Park
  • Canoe/kayak Hire
  • Bass Fishing
  • Spectacular scenery

Trivia: Hampden Bridge is the oldest suspension bridge in Australia

tourist information ...

How to get there
Kangaroo Valley it is approximately two hours drive south-west of Sydney and you need to hire a car. See map.

Relevant links:
Kangaroo Valley tourism
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • VB brand of beer (Victoria Bitter)
  • quid, to make a make a living
  • beaut great, fantastic
  • unit flat, apartment
  • rip snorter excellent, great
  • yobbo an ignorant person
  • bugger off impolite dismissal of someone
  • tallie 750ml bottle of beer
  • TAB Totalisator Agency Board - betting shop
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