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Nan Tien Buddhist Temple

about the temple...

Nan Tien Buddhist Temple - Main temple
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

Nan Tien Temple opened its doors in October 1995 and is one of the branch temples of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhism, which was founded in 1965 by Master Hsing Yun. In 2005 Fo Guang Shan counts more than 120 branches around the world. It is located at Berkeley, Wollongong NSW Australia.

Nan Tien Buddhist Temple - Pagoda
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

"Nan Tien" in Chinese, literally means "Paradise of the South".

Like all the religions in the world, Buddhism has many interpretations and Fo Guang Shan Buddhism is based on the Mahayana tradition which emphasizes that Buddha hood is within everyone's potential reach.

Personally, I was impressed by the serenity of the place and the appeal to meditation that is inspiring. For a small price you can eat at the temple and you can experience the food eaten by the Buddhist monks.

Trivia: Nan Tien Temple is the biggest Buddhist temple in the southern hemisphere.

tourist information ...

Nan Tien Buddhist Temple - Buddha statue
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

How to get there
By train from the Sydney Central Station to Wollongong and then take a bus to the Nan Tien Temple. Best will be to rent a car and drive there. Along the way to Wollongong there are many lookouts and other places to visit. See map.

Contact details:
Berkeley Rd, Berkeley, NSW 2506 Australia
Ph : +61 2 4272 0600
Web site: Nan Tien Buddhist Temple

Hours of Operation:
Tuesday to Sunday 9 AM - 5 PM (Open Mondays on Public Holiday Only).

Please visit the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple web site for more up to date information.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • Old Dart England
  • fly wire flyscreen
  • spit the dummy get very upset at something
  • nuddy, in the naked
  • give it a burl give it a go
  • rellie family relative
  • VB brand of beer (Victoria Bitter)
  • mexican a person from the border between QLD and NSW
  • mate buddy, friend
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