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Wentworth Falls

brief history ...

Wentworth Falls - view from the bottom
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Wentworth Falls are located in the Blue Mountains region, about 65 kilometers west of Sydney NSW, Australia. The volatile eucalyptus oil is causing scenery to appear in a bluish haze hence the name Blue Mountains.

The Blue Mountains form a natural barrier and many people tried to cross them. Until 1813 no attempt was successful and were considered by many impassable.

In 1813, explorers Gregory Blaxland, William Lawson, and William Charles Wentworth crossed the range by following the mountain ridges. They reached what is now called Wentworth Falls on Sunday 22nd May 1813. Two years later the first road over the Blue Mountains was build.

about the Wentworth falls ...

Wentworth Falls - before the big fall
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Wentworh Falls is waterfall close to Wentworth train station in the Blue Mountains.

The scenery is magnificent and you will find many lookouts and photographic opportunities.

The height of the waterfall is impressive but the volume of the water falling is far from even large. Even so, it is worth visiting the place.

There are stairs going down at the bottom of the valley, allowing you to see better the waterfall.

tourist information ...

How to get there
Best is by train from Central Station in Sydney and go off the train at Wentworth Station . You can also catch the train from Stratfield or Parramatta Station. Check the City Rail timetables. See map.

Contact details:
Blue Mountains Tourism
Ph: 1300 653 408
For a list with Blue Mountains Information Centers click here.
For more details please see Blue Mountains Tourism web pages.

Wentworth Falls - before the big fall
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Best viewed:
Wentworth Falls are best in spring when all the flowers are in bloom and after a rainy period when the waterfall is having more water.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • grog alcoholic drink
  • cat burying shit, as busy as a busy
  • open slather Anything goes - a free-for-all
  • good nick in good condition
  • cobber friend
  • lemon bad quality, faulty product
  • ropeable very angry
  • flick it on to sell something soon after buying it
  • fisho fishmonger
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