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Minerals and Crystals

about ...

Crocoite, Dundas Tasmania Australia
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Australia is very rich minerals and is a very old continent. As a result in Australia you can find very nice minerals and fossils to buy. Many minerals are very rare to find outside Australia or are not of the same quality as the Australian minerals.

Cerusite on Malachite, Rum Jungle Northern Territory Australia
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
The shops selling minerals in their native form, are not always easy to find, therefore a bit of research from your part will help. in the tourist information section you will find a few addresses and links. Use these as pointers an try to find others. In case you plan to visit the Australian Museum, that has on display a large and very nice collection of minerals, you can also ask them to help you locate shops that are selling minerals and rocks. The Australian Museum has also a small shop at the entrance, that sells between other minerals and fossils.

tourist information ...

Fossilized Ammonite
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
where to find:
AA Mineral Specimens
T G Fine Minerals
A_Rocks Mineral Auctions
The Australian Museum Online

other relevant links:

Always ask for sample details:
- provenience (mine, country)
- name of the sample
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • whatsit something unspecified whose name is forgotten or not known
  • rip snorter excellent, great
  • bloody very
  • wally a person making often mistakes
  • scratchy instant lottery ticket
  • aerial ping-pong australian football
  • bushwalking hiking in the bush
  • turps alcoholic drink, turpentine
  • true blue patriotic, genuine Australian, original
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