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Exchange Rates

Last Updated: 2024-11-20
Symbol Currency Name Rate (AUD) 1/Rate
   EUR   Euro dollar   1.6225   0.6163
   USD   US dollar   1.5362   0.6510
   JPY   Japanese yen   0.0099   101.01
   BGN   Bulgarian lev   0.8296   1.2054
   CZK   Czech koruna   0.0642   15.576
   DKK   Danish krone   0.2175   4.5977
   GBP   Pound sterling   1.9459   0.5139
   HUF   Hungarian forint   0.0040   250
   PLN   Polish zloty   0.3746   2.6695
   RON   New Romanian leu   0.3260   3.0675
   SEK   Swedish krona   0.1398   7.1531
   CHF   Swiss franc   1.7368   0.5758
   ISK   Icelandic krona   0.0112   89.285
   NOK   Norwegian krone   0.1393   7.1788
   TRY   New Turkish lira   0.0446   22.421
   BRL   Brasilian real   0.2661   3.7580
   CAD   Canadian dollar   1.0987   0.9102
   CNY   Chinese yuan renminbi   0.2120   4.7170
   HKD   Hong Kong dollar   0.1974   5.0659
   IDR   Indonesian rupiah   0.0001   10000
   ILS   Israelian Shekel   0.4117   2.4290
   INR   Indian Rupee   0.0182   54.945
   KRW   South Korean won   0.0011   909.09
   MXN   Mexican peso   0.0762   13.123
   MYR   Malaysian ringgit   0.3435   2.9112
   NZD   New Zealand dollar   0.9041   1.1061
   PHP   Philippine peso   0.0261   38.314
   SGD   Singapore dollar   1.1448   0.8735
   THB   Thai baht   0.0444   22.522
   ZAR   South African rand   0.0848   11.792


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Exchange calculator

Amount to exchange:
From currency:
To currency:
Amount to receive:

Disclaimer: The result is based on an inter banking rate and does not contain the variations introduced by the Exchange Office to make a profit out of the transaction. As a result you would sell your currency a bit cheaper than it actually is.