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Natural Hazards

on the beach...

In Australia on the public beaches there are flags marking the safe portion of the beach. Swim only between the flags. (see Beach Safety)

Lifeguard's surfing board
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Most tourists coming to Australia, have a fair skin which is very sensitive to the UV sun light. Only half an hour in the sun can burn your skin. Use the sunscreen, hat and sunglasses to protect yourself.

Try to read any written warnings. Sometimes in the water are some species of jelly fish that can be harmful.

Very dangerous are water currents that are transporting the water from the shore towards the ocean. Never try to fight against the current. Let the current take you away from the shore where the intensity is decreasing and try to swim out of the rip.

For more details please see our Beach Safety page.

in the bush...

Poisonous Red Back Spider
© www.australianfauna.com
Many people in Australia die in the bush because they get lost. Take basic precautions:
  • Let other people know where you go and when you will return.
  • Take food, plenty of water and warm clothes. During the night is cold even in summer.
  • If you get lost better stay in one place, where you can make signals. During the day something reflecting light is very effective. During the night any form of light will be highly visible.
  • Many insects and snakes can be very poisonous. Try to avoid them if you don't know them.
  • In Northern Territory avoid lakes and rivers. Many times there are crocodiles in the water.

Poisons Info Centre: 13 11 26
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • rage party
  • Harold (Holt), to do the to bolt
  • tits on a bull unhelpful
  • pub public house (place serving drinks)
  • jocks male pants
  • shoot through to leave
  • yabbie/yabby australian fresh water crayfish
  • pash passionate kiss
  • open slather Anything goes - a free-for-all
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