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Using telephones in Australia


Telstra Phonecard, for public phones
Telstra phone card
  • Do not use the telephone in your hotel room unless you know the rates. They can be much higher than the ones from a public phone.
  • The mobile phone can be a good solution as well. You don't necessary need to apply with your company for Global Roaming. Buy a prepaid card from Sydney.
  • Main players in the mobile phone industry in Australia are: Telstra, Vodafone and Optus. Check the Internet if your mobile phone supports the frequencies used in Australia.
  • Invest in a phonecard some public phones are not accepting coins.

public phones

©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Most public phones are accepting coins, phone cards and credit cards. Phonecards can be purchased from News Agent or from any shop displaying the Telstra logo.

Local calls are un timed and cost at the time I'm writing this, 40c. Dial 1222 for cost information. There are peak and off peak hours.

Long distance calls are more expensive if you need an operator's assistance.

phone directories

White Pages lists all private and business numbers. There is a second directory called Yellow Pages that is listing business numbers grouped by their relevant heading.

calling in or from Australia

To call from EU dial:

To call from USA dial:

To call from Australia dial 0011 + country code (ex Romania: 40) + Area Code omitting the leading 0 (ex Bucharest: 21) + local number.

Emergency no:

Police/Fire/Ambulance: 000
Note: 000 calls are free.

Poison Info: 13 11 26
Life Line: 13 11 26
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • pav Pavlova
  • fridge refrigerator
  • stonkered drunk
  • oldies parents
  • greenie environmentalist
  • ripper, you little exclamation of pleasure
  • waggin' school missing unjustified school
  • muddy mud crab
  • mob group of people, herd
Online Maps
Sydney A to Z banners
Click on the following link:
Sydney A to Z banners

Useful phone numbers

Emergency: 000
Operator help: 1234
Directory info: 1223
Rev. charge: 12550
Cost info: 12222
Poison Info: 13 11 26
Life Line: 13 11 26