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Sydney Festival

brief history ...

Sydney City of Light - Sydney Festival 2004
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Sydney Festival was launched at 31-st December 1976 at the Opera House with a free concert of jazz, rock and classical music.

In its 49 years of history, Sydney Festival has grown to become Australia's largest and most prestigious annual cultural event with an estimated attendance of over 1.4 million people annually.


Sydney City of Light - Sydney Festival 2004
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
To get an idea about the artistic level of the Sydney Festival, click on the links provided to see a list of the Sydney Festival past performers:

what's on....

Sydney City of Light - Sydney Festival 2004
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
I can not provide a list of the events on the Sydney Festival, because the times, locations, artists changes from one year to another, but there is something for everybody, is not expensive and is fun.

A rough classification of the Sydney Festival events is:

  • Theatre and Cinema
  • Visual Arts
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Family
  • Free Outdoors
  • Forums and Talks

tourist information ...

How to get there
The Sydney Festival takes place in many places across the city for the whole month of January therefore I could not provide you with a location for the Sydney Festival. Please click on Sydney Festival link and check for the latest details.

Contact details:
Web site: Sydney Festival home page

Hours of Operation:
Please check Sydney Festival pages for the latest details.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • crack a fat get an erection
  • battler someone working hard for little money
  • handle beer glass with a handle
  • corker something excellent
  • block, do your get angry
  • dunny outside un-sewered toilet
  • metho methylated spirits
  • chewie chewing gum
  • cark it to die, stop functioning
Online Maps
Sydney A to Z banners
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