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Opera House

brief history ...

Opera House in blue light
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
The Sydney Opera House is likely the most easily recognizable symbol of Sydney thanks to its daring and graceful architecture. The Opera House is a complex of concert halls and theaters, the largest being the Main Concert Hall.

In 1954, the Premier of NSW, Joe Cahill organized a design competition for an opera house. The winning design was made by Jørn Utzon, a Danish architect. The formal construction of the Opera House began in March, 1959.

The 1965 newly elected government of NSW suddenly stopped the payments to Utzon. He left Australia in 1966, vowing never to return to see his masterpiece.

The Opera House was formally completed in 1973 at a cost of $102 million. The original cost estimate was $7 million and the original completion date set by the government was January 26, 1963. Almost all of the expense was covered by NSW Lotteries.

tourist information ...

The easiest way to reach the Opera House is by public transport. Trains, buses and ferries are available to Circular Quay station. See map.

Moon over the Opera House
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

Contact details:
Phone: +61 2 9250 7111
E-mail: infodesk@sydneyoperahouse.com

Mail: Box Office
Sydney Opera House
GPO Box R239, Royal Exchange
Sydney NSW 1225

Hours of Operation:
The Sydney Opera House Box Office is open
Monday - Saturday from 9 AM - 8.30 PM.

Opera House is open daily and it is accessible by paid tours. There are open days when you can visit Opera House for free. For more details on tours or other events it is best to visit Opera House home page.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • sunbake sunbathe
  • noodling digging for opals
  • ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation
  • strine Australian slang
  • pig's arse I don't agree, bull shit
  • vertical smile vagina
  • bloody very
  • skimpy revealing clothes
  • shoot through to leave
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