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Botany Bay National Park - North

about ...

Macquarie Watchtower

©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Botany Bay National Park is divided by the bay entrance in two parts. This page describes the Northern part of the Botany Bay national park.

La Pérouse Memorial

©2006 Gabriel Ditu
To see the page dedicated to the Southern part of the Botany Bay National Park please follow this link.

  • Macquarie Watchtower - Built in 1822 to keep an watch for ships entering in Botany Bay and involved in illegal trade. This tower is the oldest building in Lapérouse area.
  • La Pérouse Memorial - Was designed by George Cookney and erected in 1825 at the instigation of Baron de Bougainville as a memorial to the tragic last expedition of Admiral de La Pérouse and his party. A large sandstone tomb marks the grave of one of the party, a French priest, Pere le Receveur. The tomb was also probably designed by Cookney in 1825.
  • La Pérouse Museum - Dedicated to François de Galup, Compte de La Pérouse which was last seen at Botany Bay.
  • Endeavour Lighthouse - Was built in 1955 on Henry Head, a headland north of the entrance to Botany Bay.
  • Bare Island

    ©2006 Gabriel Ditu
  • Bare Island - On this island between 1881 and 1884 the colonist built a defense fort and in late 1886 a timber bridge was completed which connecting the island with the mainland. You can book a tour of the Bare Island fort at the La Pérouse Museum or at Cadmans Cottage.

Trivia: The name of Bare Island comes from James Cook description of the Botany Bay. He refers to the "small bare island" as a convenient navigational marker.

tourist information ...

How to get there
Regular buses can take you to La Pérouse from Circular Quay. See map.

Contact details:
Botany Bay National Park,
ANZAC Parade, La Pérouse NSW 2036
Phone: (02) 9311 3379
Web site: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Hours of Operation:
Botany Bay National Park is open to public all year around.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • stubby holder beer bottle insulated holder
  • no drama no problems
  • zonked exhausted
  • stonkered drunk
  • pash passionate kiss
  • vedgies vegetables
  • black stump a long way away
  • shout to buy a round of drinks
  • sheila a young woman
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