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Fort Denison

brief history ...

Named after William Denison, Governor of New South Wales between 1855-1861, Fort Denison was build to defend Sydney against an eventual enemy attack, but it never got the chance to do it. In fact, by the time was completed in 1857, was obsolete. Fort Denison is made of sandstone quarried from Kurraba Point (Neutral Bay), using the same design as the fort at Cap Mortella in Corsica. For this reason, people refer to it as a Mortello Tower.

Fort Denison - Sydney Harbour
©2006 Gabriel Ditu

In May 1942, Fort Denison was slightly damaged by projectile fired upon a Japanese sub, by the American cruiser USS Chicago.

If it wasn't useful from the military point of view, Fort Denison is at least a very decorative construction from Sydney.

Fort Denison Heritage Tour

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is organising a half-hour guided tour of Australia's only Martello Tower.

From there you have panoramic view of Sydney and its harbour. Explore the self-guided displays and discover more fascinating history from the audio-visual presentation.

On the 11:3AM tour, Fort Denison's café is open and you can serve lunch. You need to book a table when you book your tour. Alternatively you can take bring your own picnic. The tour price includes ferry transfers to and from Fort Denison.

tourist information ...

How to get there
You need to book a tour with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. The tour is called Fort Denison Heritage Tour.

Good to know
Level of difficulty: easy
Meeting point: Cadman's Cottage Historic Site
You need hat and sunscreen.
Booking is essential.
For location see the following map.

Contact details:
More information: (02) 9247 5033
Web site: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

Hours of Operation:
When: Tours run at 11.3AM and 2.3PM Wednesday through Sunday. Weekday afternoon tours run subject to demand.
Duration: 3.5 h

For up to date information view NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service web site.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • magpie South Australian
  • dingo Australian wild dog
  • ropeable very angry
  • long paddock the side of the road
  • duffer cattle rustler
  • pash passionate kiss
  • surfies people who go surfing and skipping work
  • joey baby kangaroo
  • it's gone walkabout it's lost
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