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Sydney Visitor Centres

about ...

Visitor Centres Lithgow - NSW
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Sydney Visitor Centres provides a free turistic information service including:

  • Multi-lingual turistic information
  • Free printed information (brochures, guides, leaflets)
  • Free convenient maps
  • Booking Service for accommodation
  • Booking Service for day tours, cruises
  • Information about current events in and around Sydney
  • Souvenirs and gifts, postcards
  • Phone cards, travel cards, tickets and passes
  • Informations about dangers and hazards

These centres are available throughout Australia and they constitute a very good starting point. In Sydney they are located in two convenient locations at The Rocks and Darling Harbour.

tourist information ...

Visitor Centres Logo
Visitor Centres Logo
How to get there

To Darling Harbour go by train to Town Hall station and from there you can walk or catch the monorail . See map.

33 Wheat Road, Darling Harbour
Ph: 1800 067 676
Web site: Sydney Visitor Centres

To The Rocks go by train, bus or ferry to Circular Quay station and then walk towards the Harbor Bridge. See map.

Cnr Argyle and Playfair Steets, The Rocks
Web site: Sydney Visitor Centres

Hours of Operation:
Open every day of the year except Christmas Day and Good Friday between 9.30AM - 5.30PM.
22 December
1817 - The King expedition of 1817, to explore and make a rough survey of the northern and north-west coasts of Australia, departs Sydney.

1911 - The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is established.
Australian slang
  • ring in substitute
  • incog incognito
  • undies underwear
  • rego vehicle registration
  • knocker somebody who criticises
  • spag bol spaghetti bolognese
  • yowie the Australian version of Yeti
  • Pommy Englishman
  • plonk cheap wine
Online Maps
Sydney A to Z banners
Click on the following link:
Sydney A to Z banners