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Sydney Kingsford-Smith Airport

time line ...

  • In 1920 gains the official status of an airport and becomes the property of the Civil Aviation Branch of the Department of Defence.
  • In 1935 Sydney Airport is declared an international aerodrome.
  • In 1946 a development plan was launched to upgrade and expand the airport: new taxiways, aprons and runways etc.
  • In 1953 the airport was renamed Sydney Kingsford-Smith Airport after Sir Charles Kingsford Smith.
  • In 1960 long range radar became operational in Sydney, and in 1965 the Instrument Landing System(ILS) is introduced.
  • In 1970 HM Queen Elizabeth II officially opens the International Terminal at Sydney Airport.
  • In 1994-1995 the third runway was officially opened.
  • In 1998 Sydney Airports Corporation Limited (SACL) formed and Federal Airports Corporation dissolved.
  • In 2002 Sydney Airport is privatized, so you can enjoy a tax on tax.

Trivia: Runway 16-34 is one of the longest runways in the Southern Hemisphere, and was partially funded by NASA for possible use as a Space Shuttle emergency landing facility.

airlines companies

The page containing the airlines companies flying in and out of Sydney Airport does not get updated very often, and it is provided to you as a contact list. Please check the airline's home page or the Sydney Airport home page for up to date details.

Click here for airlines company list.

tourist information ...

How to get there
If you are not alone is probably best to catch a cab (taxi) they cost probably the same as the public transport. If you want to be environmentally friendly you can travel via CityRail or Sydney Buses. The Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport is about 25 km away from Sydney CBD.

Contact details:
Sydney Airport Corporation Limited
PO Box 63
Mascot NSW 1460
Phone: +61 2 9667 9111
Web site: Sydney Airport

Hours of Operation:
Open every day of the year.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • wally a person making often mistakes
  • rellie family relative
  • bitzer mongrel dog, mixed breed, rough
  • Vinnie's St Vincent De Paul charity
  • rotten drunk
  • zot off depart quickly
  • bush tucker native Australian outback food
  • troppo, gone tropical madness
  • tits on a bull unhelpful
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