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Taking a Taxi


Sydney Taxi
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
  • Yes. A taxi can be white as well...
  • Drivers are required to accept all fares.
  • Taxi drivers can accept tips, but it is not normal practice to in Australia and there is no requirement on the passenger to do so.
  • For any comments (good or bad) phone the Taxi Customer Feedback Management System on 1800 648 478 or go to the Transport Infoline taxi service feedback.
  • Usually they come quick, but there are peak hours when you can wait for hours (eg on Friday evening).

taxis companies ...

Taxis Combined Services
Phone: +61 2 8332 8888
Web: www.taxiscombined.com.au

RSL Ex-Servicesmen's Cabs & Co-Op Members Ltd
Phone: +61 2 9581 1111
Cabcharge Bookings: 131 581

Legion Cabs
Phone: 131 451
Cabcharge Bookings: 131 271
Web: www.legioncabs.com.au

Premier Cabs
Phone: 13 10 17
Web: www.premiercabs.com.au

St George Cabs
Phone: 132 166
Web: www.stgeorgecabs.com.au

price ...

Typical fares (for 2005 non-peak traffic, AUS dollars) you can expect to pay to or from Sydney Airport.

Note: You pay for bridge or road tolls on top of the fare.

Sydney City $25
North Sydney $35
Manly $50
Parramatta $45
Liverpool $40
Cronulla $35

Sometimes the public transport can be more expensive than the taxi. Both, CityRail and Sydney Buses charge a fortune to take you to the airport. It would be best to ask or to check the CityRail and Sydney Buses web sites for the price.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • yarn a story
  • Septics Tanks Yanks Americans
  • boozer pub
  • xxx kisses (used at the end of a letter)
  • sleepout house verandah
  • band-aid superficial
  • chuck a spas angry
  • walkabout, it's gone it's lost
  • Vinnie's St Vincent De Paul charity
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