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Manly Beach

brief history ...

"... their confidence and manly behavior made me give the name of Manly to this place" - wrote Captain Arthur Phillip in a dispatch to Lord Sydney March 15, 1788 referring to Aboriginal people of the Kay-ye-my clan who lived there.
Sydney Manly Beach
© Paul Cedric

By the end of 1820s a small fishing settlement had established itself at Manly Cove. In 1841, Manly was counting 38 males and 29 females.

The English businessman Henry Gilbert Smith is considered as the 'father' of Manly. He was the one to see Manly's potential as a seaside resort and built the area's first pier and hotels. He also established the Manly Ferry Service, in 1854, with a steam paddler named The Brothers.

Henry Gilbert Smith had also the idea of planting the imposing Norfolk Island pines along Manly Beach. Many of Manly's parks were given in his will to the people of Manly.

beach safety...

Please see our page dedicated to Beach Safety. Hopefully this page will learn you need to know about the hazards and dangers on an Australian beach.

about manly...

Manly Beach is part of Sydney suburb Manly. While Manly Beach is maybe the most important attraction, there are many other things to see or visit in Manly. Oceanworld Manly, Former School of Artillery - North Head, Newport Arms Hotel, Manly Art Gallery and Museum, Manly Food and Wine Festival, Manly International Jazz Festival and these are just a small part you can see in Manly. See map. For more details please check the trip planner.

tourist information ...

How to get there
By ferry from Circular Quay or by bus from Wynyard Station.

Manly Information Centre:
The Forecourt, Manly Wharf,
Manly NSW 2095
Ph: (02) 9976 1430
Open Hours
9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
10am - 4pm Weekends and Public Holidays
(except Xmas Day and Boxing Day)
Web site: Manly Council

Other web sites:
Manly Australia
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • pokies gambling slot/poker machines
  • garbo garbageman
  • sucked-in made a fool of
  • piker social misfit
  • handle beer glass with a handle
  • rort cheating, defrauding
  • what-da-ya-know a phrase used to open a conversation
  • Never Never the central part of Australia
  • mutton bird Tasmanian
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