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Manly Oceanworld Australia

brief history ...

Oceanworld Manly
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
Oceanworld was built in 1962 as Manly's Aquarium and refurbished in 1988. Oceanworld was the first aquarium in Australia to have a 110m under water glass tunnel through a 4 million litre tank which holds 5,000+ marine species.

attractions ...

Oceanworld Manly - Dive with the sharks
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
  • critically endangered grey nurse shark, wobbegongs, Port Jackson sharks and blind sharks
  • reptiles such as crocodiles, taipans, tiger snakes, brown snakes and various lizards
  • invertebrates such as funnel-web spiders
  • you can prticipate at shows, talks and demonstrations or join a guided tour
  • you can dive in the shark tank

Personal comment: If time or money are an issue, between Sydney Aquarium and Manly Oceanworld I would choose the former.

tourist information ...

Oceanworld Manly - Small fish tank
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
How to get there
Oceanworld Manly is located on the right side of the Manly Wharf at 200m.

From Circular Quay you can catch a ferry or a JetCat. Alternatively you have buses available from Wynyard Station. See map. For more details please check the trip planner.

Contact details:
West Esplanade MANLY NSW 2095
Phone: 61 2 8251 7877
Fax: 61 2 9949 7950
Web site: Oceanworld Manly Australia

Hours of Operation:
Open from 10am - 5.30pm every day except 25 December.
22 January
1899 - Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation.

1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
Australian slang
  • cobber friend
  • av-a-go-ya-mug encouragement
  • going off party where there is a lot of fun
  • clacker anus
  • berk idiot
  • divvy van police vehicle used for transporting convicts
  • lolly money small change
  • bust a gut work very hard
  • bushman's clock kookaburra
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